In today’s ever-changing world, one of education’s great challenges is to respond to the growing demands of the education environment so as to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in schools. The new paradigm requires that the educational system adapts itself by offering an environment which adequately meets the needs of students and teachers as opposed to having school patterns fit into the existing environment. This inevitably implies flexibility and adaptations in many areas – including the planning and designing of schools which correspond to these evolving needs.


Welcome to yet another successful academic year. Successful, mainly because we have seen a deeply enriching response to redefine our limits in all spheres of the teaching and learning experience, be it curricular, assessment, new teachers or new students who have been the end beneficiaries. It is indeed an honour for me as CHAIRMAN, to be at the service of our parent and student community in these exciting times. Real life application of knowledge and skills has been the hallmark of the education revolution at S.S. Agarwal English Medium School.

                         We believe as John Dewey (1859- 1952), the American education reformer believes, that ‘Education is not a preparation for life, education is life itself ’.


Dr. Sureshchandraji Agarwal,

S. S. Agarwal English Medium School Committee.



When I think back, I find the last 30 years in the Education field were destined for me. As an educator, I try to identify the potential of every individual child and like a jeweller give the child the right cut and polish to enhance his value. Every child is unique, original, rare and a masterpiece. So, I have always taken this premise as my prime duty is to preserve and strengthen the originality of every child. 

I am a strong believer in “How the world sees you makes a small difference. How you see yourself makes all the difference”Let S. S. Agarwal  English Medium School grow from strength to strength and achieve new heights in the field of Education.


Mrs. Lily B. Patel



S.S.Agarwal Englsih Medium School is committed to give its pupils a solid foundation in a nurturing environment, one that will allow their natural gifts to unfold and make learning a pleasurable experience. We encourage each child to develop in their special field of interest so as to best showcase their particular type of talent and grow to their full potential and constantly groom them to pass out. We are not only committed to traditional Indian values and culture for children to keep a connection with their identity, but we also recognize the need for a global perspective in life.

                                At SSAEMS, it is our aim not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate our students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever – changing global society.



Mrs. Pradnya Gogawale


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