
1.  Both, parents and pupils, should keep in mind the following principles of discipline laid down in the Secondary School Code (1979), Rule 56:

  •    “Pupils should realise that they are responsible to the School authorities not only for their conduct in School but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of  School on the part of pupils shall make them liable to disciplinary action.”
  •     “Parents or guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the Management has a right to say on what condition they will admit or retain pupils in their schools.”

2.  Regular attendance is one of the conditions under which a pupil is admitted. No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from the parents/ guardians and this will only be for serious reasons which should be mentioned. Absence without leave renders a pupil liable to a fine. Such absence without leave holidays renders a pupil liable to be struck off the Rolls.

          "Non-availability of reservation for travel will not be accepted as a reason for reporting late."

3.  Regular attendance and study habits, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each pupil.

4.  A pupil of school-going age is NOT expected to take part in political activities.

5.  A pupil must look after his own belongings. Coats, rain coats, caps, jersey, umbrellas, tiffin-carriers and all his books must be marked with the name and class of the owner. It is not advisable for a pupil to have money or any other valuable articles with him. The school will not accept any responsibility for things which are lost.

6.  Any Literature, Magazines, Mobiles, Books, C.D.s, Cassettes, etc., of an objectionable nature, found in the possession of a pupil, will result in immediate expulsion of the pupil from the School and confiscation of the same. School bags will be checked by staff members regularly. If any material is confiscated, it will not be returned back.


The School will be very particular to see that all students follow the rules of discipline and code of conduct. 

1. The students must come to school before 8.15 a.m. No excuse will be entertained for late comers. The parents    of latecomers will be called and students will be sent home with them, after three written warnings. The gates      of the school will be locked at 8.30 a.m. sharp and any late coming will be the responsibility of the parents.

2. No student is allowed to leave the school premises until the final bell rings at 3.15 p.m.

3. The School will not in any way be responsible for students return home if they are late.

4. Students should not buy eatables from outside hawkers.

5. Students should NOT leave their classes under any pretext.

6. Only PARENTS must come to collect Report Cards and attend all meetings and Open Day, P.T.A. Meetings from time to time. Report Cards will NOT be given to any other person except parents.

7. The Calendar must be duly filled in by the parents and class teachers must check each calendar and pupil’s particulars in the beginning of the academic year.

8.  Parents must check the Calendar and books of their wards everyday.

9.  Books must be brought according to the Time Table only. Homework will also be given according to the Time Table (2 subjects work only for 45 minutes each, everyday). In case of any lapse, the same should be brought to the notice of the Principal/Director.

10. Students must not indulge in any malpractice or unfair means during exams/tests. Any student caught  cheating will get a zero in that subject. The school will be VERY STRICT in this respect and not entertain any    excuses.

11. Students must be encouraged to participate in various activities – academic, co-curricular and extra-  curricular. For that they must come before or after school hours, as required.

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